And also a dynamical regulating model of allowable emission of urban atmospheric pollutant source is worked out and its test cases are given. 建立了污染源允许排放量动态调控模型,并给出了试用个例。
Evaluation of emissions and control equipment is for the development of new pollutant source performance standards. 对排放量和控制设备进行评价为的是制定新污染源的执行标准。
Analysis of Pollutant Source and Water Environment Quality Trend during Three Gorges Reservoir Construction 三峡水库建设期间污染物来源及水环境质量变化趋势分析
In conclusion, as a practical and feasible method, the Gauss Reverse Model can be used to calculate the emitting amount of heavy metals from unorganized atmospheric pollutant source in application. 总体上,高斯反推模式在实际应用过程中可作为估算无组织源重金属污染物排放量的一个切实可行的方法。
To pollution reasons for the environmental impact of construction projects, calculation of pollutant source strong plays an important role in environmental impact assessment engineering analysis. 对于环境影响以污染因素为主的建设项目,污染物源强核算在环境影响评价的工程分析中占有重要地位。
Through the system analysis, it announced APM's character, elements enrichment degree and style of pollutant source of the two sampling sites in Liangxiang of Beijng. 通过对两个地点多组样品的系统分析,揭示了北京良乡两采样点的APM特征、元素富集程度以及两地污染源类型。
It has been estimated that the average amount of yearly oil spill is about 20000 t in Chinese ocean which causes serious damage to ocean environment and becomes the major pollutant source in ocean environment. 据估计,我国海洋年均溢油量约为2万t,对海洋环境构成了严重的危害,成为海洋环境中的主要污染源。
Inverse Problem on Boundary Condition and Pollutant Source in Water Quality Model of River Network 组合单元水质模型中的边界条件及污染源项反问题
Identifying the main Pollutant Source in the Aquatic wild Animal Protection Zone with the Analytical Hierarchy Process 应用层次分析法确定水生野生动物保护区主要污染源
The Application of Chemical Mass Balance Model Method for Pollutant Source Solution in Hong Kong 化学质量平衡模型在香港污染源解析中的应用
A great number of discharging civil domestic refuse has been become a new pollutant source. 城市生活垃圾大量排放已成为一个新的污染源。
The pollutant source control method for network water environment management 河网地区水环境规划中的污染源控制方法
The article estimates and identifies the main pollutants and pollutant source in the aquatic wild animal natural protection zone with the analytical hierarchy process and combines the two estimations into one which simplifies the environment quality assessment of the protection zones. 本文使用层次分析方法来判定水生野生动物自然保护区内主要污染物和污染源,并且使二者由两次判断整合为一次判断,简化了保护区环境质量评价的过程。
Important Drinking Water Source Pollutant Source Investigation Protection Measure in Hainan Province 海南省重要饮用水源地污染源调查及保护策略研究
Geographic distribution of oceanic petroleum pollutant in the world is regular with influence of pollutant source and ocean circumfluence. 世界海洋石油污染物的地理分布特点受到污染源和大气环流的影响,分布很有规律。
Carries out a purification experiment for controlling pollutant source and removing indoor air pollutants. 从控制污染源和消除室内空气污染两方面进行了净化试验。
Under the circumstance that point source pollution is basically controlled, non point source pollution has already become an important pollutant source. 在点源污染得到初步控制的情况下,非点源污染已经成为水源地的重要污染源。
Through computing the water environmental capacity, the respective contribution rates of the point and the non-point pollutant source were analyzed, self-purging and self-dilution models of inland rivers, river network and rivers affected by tides were developed in this paper. 在计算水环境容量的基础上,分析了点源污染和非点源污染对水质污染的贡献率,建立了内陆河段、河网化河段及潮汐河段的自净需水模型。
Recent application progresses of nano-titania photocatalyst used in the treatment of the main pollutant source, industrial organic effluents, were presented. Developing trends of nano-titania photocatalytic materials were further prospected. 对近年来二氧化钛在主要污染源工业有机废水净化处理中的应用成果进行了评述,对二氧化钛光催化材料的发展趋势进行了展望。
Real meteorological data and pollutant source data are applied for numerical simulation and the method and algorithms are verified. 应用实际气象数据和污染源数据进行了优化控制数值模拟。
The outcoming indicates that the measure can not only calculate the water quality trend but also can reflect the pollutant source type. 结果表明,该方法不仅能较好的反映出其水质变化趋势,同时还能够反映出其污染源的类型。
Accumulation of heavy metals in soils and sediments and determination of pollutant source by Pb and S isotopic tracers 土壤和沉积物中重金属积累及其Pb、S同位素示踪
The newborn remain is a main pollutant source for shrimp cultural environment and its adjacent waters. 新生残饵是对虾养殖水环境及其临近浅海环境的主要污染源。
Furthermore, sample points were taken in the upstream and downstream of pollution sources points and samples were monitored. Factor analysis was applied to pollutant source analysis. The main pollutants of every pollution sources point and their effects were confirmed. 并在污染源点上、下游布设采样点并监测其水质变化,利用因子分析进行污染源解析,确定各污染源主要污染物质及其对上下游断面的影响。
Sediment is warehouse of heavy metal pollutants and is also the potential heavy metal pollutant source that influences environment. The heavy metal of water is moved with particles in water and then accumulated and deposited in sediment. 沉积物既是重金属污染物的储备库,又是对环境具有影响的潜在重金属污染源,水体中的重金属主要随水中的颗粒物迁移而来,归宿并沉积于沉积物中。
Air pollutant concentration is determined by pollutant source parameters, meteorological factors and near underlying surface layer parameters. 一个地区的大气污染程度取决于该地区排放污染物的源参数、气象条件和近地层下挚面的状况。
As livestock and poultry breeding developing rapidly on a large scale, the pollution of the livestock and poultry breeding wastewater becomes the most important pollutant source besides industrial wastes and domestic sewage. 近年来,随着规模化畜禽养殖业的快速发展,畜禽养殖废水正在成为除工业废水和生活污水最主要的污染源,制约了畜禽养殖业可持续发展。
The Environmental capacity is assigned to the main pollutant sources, and then the pollutant discharge reduction plan of some pollutant source is brought forward based on the prediction of pollutant flux in 2010. 将环境容量在主要排污单元进行了分配,基于2010年污染物入海通量预测,提出了各排污单元的污染物排放削减方案。
The main factors that pollute the city air are industry, automobile, civil pollutant source et al. 工业、汽车、民用污染源等排放的污染物是造成城市空气污染的主要因素。
Nowadays environmental protection for realization of sustainable development has become the key point of current economic development, and thus technology and instrument exploitation of monitoring system for detecting trace gases in the air and pollutant source is an important prerequisite for bettering our environment. 保护环境实现可持续发展成为新世纪经济发展的主题。大气中痕量气体和污染源排气的监测技术及仪器开发是环境治理的重要前提。